International human rights regulations and education: a rights-based look at education. Evaluating elementary school students’ parents’ thoughts on children’s rights. This situation causes the animal rights and children’s rights to be confused. Moreover, the use of animal characters in children’s rights books made us think about animal rightsissues. Furthermore, the use of animal characters in books on children’s rights made us think about issues relatedto animal rights. The themes that emerged in relation to the way the texts dealt with children’s rights indicatedthat children’s rights were described through stories of animal characters and by means of parental attitudes they werepresented via real-world problems, via extraordinary creatures, and in informative texts in which the absence of rightswas described. The results of this study demonstrated that the books analyzed were composed oftexts which were concerned with children’s rights such as rights of participation, living rights, rights of protection, anddevelopmental rights. Content analysisis a method of document analysis. In accodance with this generalpurpose, the data sources obtained through criterion sampling were subjected to content analysis. This study aims to analyze children’s books on children’s rights with a qualitative approach.